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Latest version All files are packed in ZIP archivesWindows versionVersion 5.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.1: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.2: 32-bit or 64-bitMac version (OSX)Version 5.0: 64-bitVersion 6.0: 64-bitVersion 6.1: 64-bitVersion 6.2: 64-bitLinux versionVersion 5.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.0: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.1: 32-bit or 64-bitVersion 6.2: 32-bit or 64 - 2025-03-05


Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging - First edition Eds. M Ljungberg; S-E Strand, Lund University Hospital, Sweden; M A King, University of Massachussetts Medical School, Worcester, USA Covers the applications of Monte Carlo calculations (MC) in nuclear medicine from first principles, to the current computer applications. Written for nuclear medicine ph - 2025-03-05

Information in English

The Medical Physics program at Lund University is a 5-year program in the Faculty of Science, given in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Region Skåne. The first two years cover fundamental physics and mathematics, while the latter part of the program focus on medical radiation physics, with emphasis on the clinical orientation towards diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Many teac - 2025-03-05


Här hittar du kursanalyser för Sjukhusfysikerutbildningens senare del. HT2012 - VT2013msfm11_medicinsk_stralningsfysik_-_grundkurs_2014-06-12.pdfmsfm21_medicinsk_stralningsfysik_-_sjukhusfysik_2014-06-12.pdfmsfm31_medicinsk_stralningsfysik_-_klinisk_praktik_och_lagstiftning_2014-06-12.pdf HT2013 - VT2014msfm11_medicinsk_stralningsfysik_-_grundkurs_2014-12-17.pdfmsfm21_medicinsk_stralningsfysik_-_s - 2025-03-05


The SIMIND ManualFrom this relsease the manual is a pdf file that you can download and that has a Table of Contents as bookmarks to the left. It include a detailded description of the parameters nessecary to define prior to a simulation.It also include six tutorials that you can try to get going with the program. These goes for from simulation of a simple point source to a Whole-Body planar simula - 2025-03-05

Studie- och karriärsvägledning

Enheten för undervisningsstöd vid Lunds universitetPå CampusOnline finns samlad information från Lunds universitet om digitala verktyg, studieteknik, studiestöd, teknisk support och mycket annat.ReseersättningUnder praktikkursen MSFP02 och examensarbetet MSFT02 kan det förekomma resor mellan studieorten (dvs Lunds universitet i Lund/Malmö) och arbetsplatsen. Biljetter för sådana beställs av instit - 2025-03-05

Resources and links

Links to Monte Carlo resoursesMonte Carlo programsEGS4: https://mcnp.lanl.govMCNP: (mcnp-distribution)SimSET: http://www.opengatecollaboration.orgGEANT4 - 2025-03-05


The medical magnetic resonance (MR) research and education work in Lund is performed by several closely connected research groups, networks and centres within Lund University and Skåne University Hospital, Lund (see Members/Organisation). In this homepage one of these groups, the MR physics group, is described. The main priority of the MR physics group at Lund University is to develop novel MRI me - 2025-03-05


The history of MR research at Lund University (LU) goes back to the beginning of the 1980s, when Sweden's first experimental MR imaging (MRI) unit was constructed by a group led by professor Bertil Persson at the Department of Radiation Physics. The prototype 0.07 T MRI unit at Lund University Hospital 1983-1984 (left) and a spin-echo image of a rat abdomen after administration of microspheres (15 - 2025-03-05


The MR Physics Group is broadly composed by participants from several different departments and sections at Lund University and at Skåne University Hospital and it is presently Sweden´s largest research group in its field. Within the organisational structure of Lund University, the MR Physics Group is a research group at Medical Radiation Physics, Lund (Avd. för Medicinsk Strålningsfysik, MSF). MS - 2025-03-05

MR Physics Group

Welcome to the home page of the MR Physics Group at Lund University! Our research group, situated in the expanding Öresund region in southern Sweden, is active in the field of medical magnetic resonance, and has its primary focus on development of new techniques for assessment of functional information related to diffusion, perfusion, cortical activation, and flow. Emerging areas in the group enco - 2025-03-05


The present MR resources for human MRI at Skåne University Hospital, Lund and at Lund University Bioimaging Center (LBIC) are described below. For information about LBIC´s preclinical systems (9.4T MRI and 11.7T MRI) and about research availability for human MRI scanners as well as for preclinical systems, please see the LBIC homepage   Magnet Systems   Philips Achieva 7T AS (National 7T facility, - 2025-03-05


For the most recent publications from the MR Physics Group, see: Recent Publications For all publications 1994 - 2019 as per the webpage date, please see the links below : Papers   Reviews   Books, Book Chapters, Proceeding Chapters     Correspondence and Editorials          Popular Science      Theses   MR PHYSICS GROUP PUBLICATION STATISTICS 1994-2019             New Thesis Emelie Lind March 1 2 - 2025-03-05


2019 In Press Zhou J, Heo HY, Knutsson L, van Zijl PCM, Jiang S.APT-weighted MRI: Techniques, current neuro applications, and challenging issues.J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019 Jan 20. doi: 10.1002/jmri.26645. [Epub ahead of print] Review.2019 Alexander DC, Dyrby TB, Nilsson M, Zhang H.Imaging brain microstructure with diffusion MRI: practicality and applications.NMR Biomed. 2019 Apr;32(4):e3841. 2018 - 2025-03-05

Books, Book Chapters, Proceeding Chapters

2018 Ahlgren A, Wirestam R:Flow Compensated IVIM in the Ballistic Regime: Data Acquisition, Modeling and Brain Applications. In: Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI: Principles and Applications. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd (2018) Print ISBN: 9789814800198. 2017 Björkman-Burtscher I, Markenroth Bloch K, Sundgren PM:Detailed anatomy at 7T: Cerebrum. In: Neuroimaging: Anatomy meets function, - 2025-03-05

Correspondence and Editorials

2012 Geleijns J, Breatnach E, Cantera AC, Damilakis J, Dendy P, Evans A, Faulkner K, Padovani R, Van Der Putten W, Schad L, Wirestam R, Eudaldo T; on behalf of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) and the European Society of Radiology (ESR). Core curriculum for medical physicists in radiology. Recommendations from an EFOMP/ESR working group. Insights Imaging. 2012 J - 2025-03-05